An initiative by

Diet Delegation to Cambodia and Vietnam

July 22, 2008
Diet Delegation to Cambodia and Vietnam

On July 22 to 25, 2008, six members of the FGFJ Diet Task Force visited Cambodia and Vietnam to speak with community leaders, aid workers and national policymakers working on AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis and to visit treatment sites and communities dealing with these diseases. The bipartisan group was headed by FGFJ Diet Task Force Director Ichiro Aisawa and included Jun Matsumoto, Gaku Hashimoto, Tsuyoshi Yamaguchi, and Mitsunori Okamoto from the House of Representatives, as well as Masaaki Taniai from the House of Councilors. The trip was organized in cooperation with the Global Fund and made possible by support from the M·A·C AIDS Fund.
