About the Global Fund

The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (The Global Fund) is a multilateral fund established to mobilize and allocate resources from around the world to fight three of the most devastating diseases threatening human lives and human security. It was created in January 2002 to respond to the formidable challenges presented by HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis (TB), and malaria and their associated costs.
The need for the Global Fund was first raised at the G8 Kyushu-Okinawa Summit, hosted by Japanese Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori in 2000, during which Japan introduced infectious diseases to the agenda. Since its inception, the Global Fund has invested over US$65 billion and saved 65 million lives, reducing the combined death rates of HIV/AIDS, TB and malaria by more than half. The Global Fund has also contributed greatly to the fight against COVID-19, raising US$4.2 billion in funds to support efforts in over 100 countries.
Building Resilient & Sustainable Systems of Health
While maintaining a firm commitment to fighting pandemics, the Global Fund also has a focus on building Resilient and Sustainable Systems for Health (RSSH) and promoting Universal Health Coverage (UHC). These both highlight the Global Fund’s aim to advance people and community-centered health systems so that essential health services are made available to the most vulnerable and marginalized populations.
The Global Fund is the world’s largest multilateral provider of RSSH grants and one of the primary investors in health systems. Over the 2023-2025 period, it is investing US$2 billion per year (US$6 billion in total) in systems for health.
A Public-Private Partnership
The Global Fund operates as a financial instrument, not an implementing entity, and it relies on a public-private partnership funding model. Replenishment periods take place in three-year funding cycles, during which the Global Fund secretariat works with governments, UN organizations, NGOs, researchers, corporations, affected communities, and other partners to direct resources toward prevention, treatment, and care. In 2022, the Global Fund raised a record-breaking US$15.7 billion in its Seventh Replenishment, towards which Japan contributed up to US$1.08 billion.