An initiative by

FGFJ Diet Task Force

FGFJ Diet Task Force

The FGFJ Diet Task Force is a multi-party initiative that brings together Diet members to examine ways to broaden Japan’s international role in combating the global threats of AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria, and other communicable diseases. The task force convenes several times a year with experts and leaders from around the world to discuss global health issues. Topics of previous meetings have included the connection between climate and health, the latest prevention and treatment tools for AIDS, pandemic prevention and preparedness, climate variation’s impact on malaria, and more.

In addition to meeting with representatives of the Global Fund when they are visiting Japan, the Diet Task Force has met with such prominent global health and foreign policy actors as George Soros, founder of the Open Society Institute; Surin Pitsuwan, former secretary-general of ASEAN and former Foreign Minister of Thailand; Bill Gates, chair of the Gates Foundation; Richard Feachem, former Global Fund executive director; and Tommy S. Thompson, chair emeritus of the Global Fund and former US Secretary of Health and Human Services.

The Diet Task Force also engages in visits to Global Fund-supported sites to see first-hand how Japan’s support for the Global Fund is making an impact in the field and to grasp the challenges that government officials and communities continue to face. Task Force members meet with community leaders, aid workers, and national policymakers working on AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis and visit treatment sites and communities dealing with these diseases. Previous site visits have taken place in Vietnam, Indonesia, Timor-Leste, and Cambodia.

Task Force of Diet Members

As of December 2024
Ichiro AISAWAMember, House of Representative (Liberal Democratic Party)
Motohisa FURUKAWAMember, House of Representative (Democratic Party for the People)
Liberal Democratic Party (LDP)
Toshiko ABEMember, House of Representatives
Yoshimasa HAYASHIMember, House of Representatives
Masahiro ISHIDAMember, House of Councillors
Seiji KIHARAMember, House of Representatives
Hitoshi KIKAWADAMember, House of Representatives
Fumio KISHIDAMember, House of Representatives
Ayano KUNIMITSUMember, House of Representatives
Karen MAKISHIMAMember, House of Representatives
Hirokazu MATSUNOMember, House of Representatives
Yasutoshi NISHIMURAMember, House of Representatives
Yuko OBUCHIMember, House of Representatives
Masaki OGUSHIMember, House of Representatives
Itsunori ONODERAMember, House of Representatives
Ken SAITOMember, House of Representatives
Keisuke SUZUKIMember, House of Representatives
Norikazu SUZUKIMember, House of Representatives
Takako SUZUKIMember, House of Representatives
Keizo TAKEMIMember, House of Councillors
Norihisa TAMURAMember, House of Representatives
Rio TOMONOHMember, House of Councillors
Tsuyoshi YAMAGUCHIMember, House of Representatives
Kozo AKINOMember, House of Councillors
Mitsunari OKAMOTOMember, House of Representatives
Mitsuo TAKAHASHIMember, House of Councillors
Toshiko TAKEYAMember, House of Councillors
Masaaki TANIAIMember, House of Councillors
Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan (CDP)
Yukio EDANOMember, House of Representatives
Tetsuro FUKUYAMAMember, House of Councillors
Ryuhei KAWADAMember, House of Councillors
Makiko KIKUTAMember, House of Representatives
Hiroyuki NAGAHAMAMember, House of Councillors
Shinji OGUMAMember, House of Representatives
Chinami NISHIMURAMember, House of Representatives
Mari TAKAGIMember, House of Councillors
Japan Innovation Party (JIP)
Hitoshi AOYAGIMember, House of Representatives
Mitsuko ISHIIMember, House of Councillors
Satoshi UMEMURAMember, House of Councillors
Democratic Party for the People (DPP)
Takae ITOHMember, House of Councillors
Yuichiro TAMAKIMember, House of Representatives
Mami TAMURAMember, House of Councillors

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