The new Global Fund Executive Director Mark Dybul announced the appointment of a Japanese expert on health and development policy, Osamu Kunii, as the new director of the fund’s Strategy, Investment and Impact Division. Dr. Kunii, who has most recently been in charge of designing and managing programs for UNICEF in Somalia and Myanmar, has worked with some of the world’s most vulnerable populations in more than 50 countries around the globe. In addition to his extensive international experience, Dr. Kunii has provided clinical care in isolated rural areas of Japan and helped established several Japanese civil society organizations dedicated to expanding access to healthcare. He is not new to the Global Fund, having been involved in the organization’s establishment while working as a special policy advisor to Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs from 2001 to 2004. In his role as a special policy advisor, he helped formulate Japan’s global health policy and was directly responsible for the implementation of the Okinawa Infectious Diseases Initiative.
Click here to read the Global Fund’s press release on the appointment
Click here to read Dr. Kunii’s bio in Japanese