Friends of the Global Fund Japan (FGFJ) welcomes the announcement by Canada to host the Fifth Replenishment Conference* of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria in Montreal on September 16, and applauds Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s pledge of C$785 million to the Global Fund over the next three years, a 20 percent increase from the previous pledge. The announcement was made at a youth-centered town hall event in Ottawa on May 9.
After expressing his gratitude for the generous support from his fellow Canadians to the people affected by the recent wildfire in Alberta, the prime minister touched on the “importance of helping those outside our borders” and called on the young people who are today’s leaders to take shared responsibility “to improve the health of the world’s most vulnerable citizens.” He stressed the importance of the work of the Global Fund, which saves millions of lives each and every day, and concluded that Canada is proud to continue its commitment to the Global Fund.
*The Global Fund Replenishment Conference takes place every three years, with the most recent one held in 2013 in Washington DC. The Fifth Replenishment cycle, which covers 2017–2019, began with the preparatory meeting hosted by Japan in December 2015, where it was determined that the Global Fund will aim to raise US$13 billion—a contribution that is projected to save up to 8 million more lives.