“Over the past three months, three different commissions issued reports proposing major reforms of the global health architecture to improve pandemic preparedness and response (PPR). Each recommends the creation of a new institution for financing PPR, along with a bevy of other reforms, and all rely heavily on preexisting global health organizations such as the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria to help carry out their mission.
These proposals have been inspired by the cascade of failures in the global response to COVID-19. At the on- set of the pandemic, the financial mechanisms intended to support an international pandemic response proved to be too small and too slow to make a difference. Then, countries’ reluctance to fund a robust international response, insufficient global coordination, overly nationalistic approaches, and glaring gaps in pandemic preparation by national governments and international organizations allowed COVID-19 to spread uncontrolled, killing millions around the world.
The proposed reforms represent a critical step toward ensuring that future pandemics do not exact a similar human and economic toll.But it is important that these options be carefully examined to ensure that the current momentum culminates in an efficient and effective new approach.”
In this report, JCIE/USA Senior Fellow, Jim Gannon, carefully reviews each proposed reform, noting the areas of consensus and divergence, including each proposal’s funding target, financing modality, and governance. Mr. Gannon also factors in the issues that have yet to be addressed in these proposals and expands on the implications of the Global Fund’s role in supporting a new PPR financing facility.
Read the full report: https://www.jcie.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/FGFJ_issue_brief_PPR.pdf
To read the proposed reforms:
1. COVID-19: Make it the Last Pandemic (Independent Panel on Pandemic Preparedness and Response (IPPPR))
2. 100 Days Mission to Respond to Future Pandemic Threats – A Report to the G7 by the Pandemic Preparedness Partnership (Pandemic Preparedness Partnership (PPP))
3. A Global Deal for Our Pandemic Age (High Level Independent Panel on Financing the Global Commons for Pandemic Preparedness and Response (HLIP))