FGFJ Publications
(JCIE/FGFJ, 2024)
(JCIE/FGFJ, 2023)
(JCIE/FGFJ, 2021)
Leveraging Disease Funding to Advance Health for All the Global Fund and Universal Health Coverage
(JCIE/FGFJ, 2017)
(FGFJ, et. al. 2015)
Case Studies on Global Fund Contributions to Universal Health Coverage
Doing Well by Doing Good: Innovative Corporate Responses to Communicable Diseases
(FGFJ & JCIE, 2010)
Building Resilience: Human Security Approaches to AIDS in Africa and Asia
(FGFJ & JCIE, June 2008)
(FGFJ & Chinese CDC, June 2007)
Fighting a Rising Tide: The Response to AIDS in East Asia
(FGFJ & JCIE, English and Chinese, April 2006; Japanese, May 2007)
– Japanese and Chinese versions also available
Conference Report: East Asian Regional Response to HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
(FGFJ, February 2006)
– Includes both English and Japanese reports
FGFJ Publications (In Japanese)
To view FGFJ Reports, Issue Briefs, and Other Publications, please visit the FGFJ Japanese-language website.
Japan and the Global Fund – English
Okinawa: Lighting a Flame for the Fight Against Infectious Diseases (May 2021) – English | Japanese
Mitigating the Impact of COVID-19 on Countries Affected by HIV, Tuberculosis and Malaria (June 2020) – English
Focus On: Resilient and Sustainable Systems for Health – English